December 30, 2010

Peace Border for All

The Words Say it All

We at U.S. Wallcovering hope you had a wonderful holiday and we wish you a healthy, happy New Year--one that is filled with personal joy and love in a more peaceful world.  And, perhaps some Peace Border to express that thought every day all year round.  Perfect in a teenager's retreat or children's rec room--the multiple peace signs are backed with the words Love and Peace.  How very appropriate.

Peace is Possible

We all long for love and peace
In a world where war and hate cease

And people North, South, East and West
Join together to seek out the best

It is possible to get to this place
If only we agree to not always race

To be there first and not care about the others
But rather to treat all on earth as our brothers

December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays From U.S.Wallcovering

We at U.S. Wallcovering hope you have enjoyed reading our blog and look forward to providing you with articles of wallpaper and border-related topics in 2011. We still need to make good on our promise of a trip to the zoo with wallpaper in all stripes and spots and we have some exciting interviews to post with leading representatives of the wallcovering industry.  But for now, our sincere wishes for a joyous holiday and a healthy, happy New Year.

Happy Holidays

'Tis the night before the day before The Day
And thoughts turn to what is there to say

At this time of year it is hard to be trite
When trying hard to be clever and bright

So we at U.S. Wallcovering wish you a year of health
Supplemented by happiness and so much wealth

Enough to buy many rolls to paper your walls
In your bathroom, bedroom, den and halls

We wish you a holiday of joy
Filled with love and many a new toy

December 16, 2010

RoomMates Make Great Stocking Stuffers

Looking for that perfect stocking stuffer?  Look no more.  RoomMates make great stocking stuffers. They are the new hot wallcovering.  Just peel them off their backing and apply the decals to the wall in your own custom way.  And, they work on any surface material so they can be affixed to drywall or plaster or stone or wood or glass.  They come in a range of colors and an assortment of subject matter from in-demand peace signs for the teenage and pre-teen crowd to choo choo trains and dinosaurs for the younger set to fabulous faux animal patterns and stylized trees for a more mature audience and inspirational quotes for every age.  There is truly something for everyone and for every possible decor.  And, they are re-positionable so you can change location as easily as you can install them. 

Best of all, they are specially priced for holiday giving, starting at just $12.99.

Change a wall, change a room, in just a few minutes.  Look at some of the examples below and make your selection.  Or, contact us directly at our website for photos of additional offerings,                                                                 
Stocking Stuffer Perfecto

Seeking a perfect stocking stuffer gift
Look no further, get my drift

RoomMates are good for every age
From the baby cradle to the oldest sage

They come in many styles and every hue
And they are so easy to yourself do

Just peel off and hang on the wall
Prepare yourself for the 'looks great' call

Make Any Room Your Very Own With a Custom Look and even your personal name.